Add Addresses From Any Message to Your Address
In Outlook: With the message open, or at the top of the preview pane,
right-click on the name you want to add, and choose Add to Contacts.
In Outlook Express: With the message selected, choose Tools | Add
Sender to Address Book. Or from the message window, choose Tools | Add to
Address Book, and then Sender | Everyone on to List, or an individual's
Where to Find Your e-Mail Files and How to
Back Them Up
One of the most troublesome puzzles for new Outlook users is trying to
figure out where their data is stored. If you use Outlook without
Exchange, all your data is in a file with a PST extension (except off-line
Exchange data, which is stored in a PST file), usually Outlook.pst. You
can back everything up, including your e-mail, simply by copying the
files. To find the PST file, use Windows' search function to search for *.pst.
Move Your e-Mail from an Old PC to a New One
Setting up a new PC can be overwhelming, but moving your e-mail,
contact list, and all your other Outlook data to it doesn't have to be. As
described above, if you use Outlook by itself, your data is in a PST file.
If you don't have any Outlook data in the new computer, just transfer the
entire file.
If there's already a PST file on the new computer, rename it so that
Outlook won't find it. Next, move the file from the old computer to the
new one. Outlook will open the new file the next time you start the
Send An e-Mail at a Given Date and Time
If you write a message that you don't want to send until later, you can
hold it in Outlook's Outbox until a designated date and time. From the
Message window, click on the Options button to open the Message Options
dialog box. Under Delivery options, add a check to the Do Not Deliver
Before check box, and add a specified date and time. Outlook won't send
the message until the first Send/Receive after the designated time.
Send a BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)
Buried in both Outlook Express and Outlook is the ability to send BCCs,
which hide the recipient's name from other recipients. Here's how to add
In Outlook: Open the pull-down Options menu just above the To text box,
and click on Bcc. In some implementations, the Bcc field option may be
located in the View menu.
In Outlook Express: When composing a message, choose View | All
See Which Messages Have Return Receipts
You can add a column to your Outlook in-box to show which messages have
return receipts requested. Right-click anywhere on the headings for the
in-box, and select Field Chooser. In the drop-down list at the top of
dialog box, choose All Mail Fields. Then find the Receipt Requested field,
drag the heading marker into the heading area of the in-box, and position
it where you want the new column. Messages with Receipts Requested will
show a "Yes" in the column.
Control How Outlook Responds to Return-Receipt
You can also control how Outlook deals with return receipts for
Internet mail accounts. Choose Tools | Options, then the E-Mail Options
button, then Tracking Options. The three options near the bottom of the
dialog box let you choose to send responses to return receipts always,
never, or only after asking you. In Outlook Express, the sequence is:
Tools | Options | Receipts.
access to virus attachments in Outlook Express 6
Earlier versions of
Outlook Express do not posses a attachment blocking facility
You can enable or disable the blocking of attachments in
the following way:
- Start Outlook Express
- Select Options off the Tools menu
- Click the Security tab
- Under Virus Protection, uncheck or check the box labeled "Do
not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be
a virus".
- Click OK