
General Protection
Fault in Module Dibeng.dll
When running Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Internet Explorer
4.x, 5, you may receive a random General Protection Fault (GPF) which
looks like:
<Program Name> caused a general protection fault in module DIBENG.DLL.
where <Program Name> is the name of the program where the error
This error can occur if an incompatible display driver is installed
on the computer. To resolve this error, try updating your display driver
by contacting the manufacturer of your video adapter.
To work around this error:
- Select Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then
double-click Display
- Select the Settings tab, click the Advanced button,
select the Adapter tab and click the Change button
- Click Next, select Display a list of all the drivers in
a specific location, so you can select the driver you want, and
then click Next
- Select Show All Devices, and then select (Standard
Display Types) in the Manufacturers box
- In the Models box, click Standard Display Adapter (VGA),
click OK, and then click Next
- Click Next (2 times), and then click Finish
- Click Close (2 times), and then click Yes to restart
your computer