Internet Explorer Problems

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Internet Explorer keeps telling me "New version of IE available"

Although you have the latest version of Internet Explorer on your system installed, IE keeps telling you that a "New version of IE available".

To fix this:

  1. Start the Registry Editor
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Active Setup \ Installed Components \ {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
  3. Delete the "Version Available" key/value (right click the key and choose delete)
  4. Close the Registry Editor
Internet Error Messages

Below is a list of error messages you may find on the Internet,

401 - Authorization Required - this is when the webmaster of a web site has restricted access to a web page or script on their server.
403 - Forbidden - is created when the webmaster of a web page has incorrectly set the permission to it.
404 - Not Found - when the url you have entered doesn't exist because it has been deleted or renamed.
500 - Server Error - happens when the server the web page resides on has been incorrectly setup or has mechanical errors.
501 - Not Implemented - results when the HTML of a web page has been incorrectly writtern.
Unable to Connect to <Web Address> - occurs when your browser cannot connect to the url of a web site. Reasons for this could be that url doesn't exist or that web site may be busy.
Too Much Network Traffic - is created when too many people are accesing files on a web site server.
The Requested URL Was Not Found - occurs when the browser you are using cannot connect to the url you have specified.
Can't Parse HTTP - may occur when you haven't correctly writtern the url you specified, such as not writing "http://".
No Helper Application Defined - results when you havent installed the helper application required from the web page you are viewing. Such as a "flash" plugin.
Permission Denied (FTP) - occurs when you try to gain permission to a FTP file you haven't permission for.
Unable to Connect to <FTP Site> - occurs when your browser cannot connect to the ftp url of a ftp web site. Reasons for this could be that url doesn't exist



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WebMaster: Peter

Last modified: Sunday June 22, 2003.